Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Comment On 'No Dilution Of Mother Tongue'

I support the decision on maintaining the weightage of mother tongue language.

In today’s society, competition is strong. Even westerners have started to pick up languages other than their native language. Since our country does not have our own language, all the more we should learn our mother tongue so as to stay strong in competition and also remember our roots.

In today’s economy, China and India market is expanding. Thus people would see it as an opportunity to invest in these countries. However, one must master the language in order to overcome the language barrier. Hence, it is important for us to learn our mother tongue well to stay competitive.

This is also essential, given the increasing use of English as the preferred medium of communication in today’s families. Moreover, when children continue to develop their abilities in two or more languages throughout their primary school years, they gain a deeper understanding of the language and learn how to use it effectively.

More than 150 research studies conducted during the past 35 years strongly support what Goethe, the German philosopher, once said: The person who knows only one language does not truly know that language. The research suggests that bilingual children may also develop more flexibility in their thinking as a result of processing information through two different languages.

Reducing the weightage so that their child can do “better” is not a solution. By lowering the weightage, I fear that in the long term, the standard of second hand language may decline irreversibly, emaciated by the lack of passion and disinterest. Furthermore, this is only advantageous to English-speaking families. Those who speak their mother tongue language at home in fact, have to work doubly hard at English, in order to master three subjects. We should learn by overcoming barriers, not lowering them. Our education system prides itself on meritocracy. Reducing the weightage will go against this spirit.

In addition, learning mother tongue language reminds us of our culture. Language is a mean of transmitting cultural traditions of ethnic groups to the younger generations. For instance, Chinese idioms usually have stories which depicts how it was originated. Certain idioms are related to the Chinese history. Hence, by learning the language, one is in touch with the Chinese history and can learn from our ancestors’ mistakes. Therefore, learning mother tongue language will help to prevent the total disappearance of languages and cultures in the world.

In conclusion, learning mother tongue language is important as it constantly remind us of our roots. Fortunately, the ministry of Education did not embark on a policy that would do more harm than good in the long run.

Commented By: Kwek Wan Ling


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