Sunday, May 23, 2010

Comment on "Teen suicide puts spotlight on high-tech bullying"

My heart goes out to the South Hadley teenager - Phoebe Prince, 15, who had taken her life in response to a three month long massive bullying in school.

In the article given, I strongly agree with Judith Vessey, a professor at the Connell School of Nursing at Boston College who has done extensive research on bullying, when she says, “Intervention by bystanders is crucial to stopping the downward spiral in bullying cases.” And “Having a statute may do little to stop bullying and could make children more wary of reporting incidents and setting themselves up for retribution.”

I feel that intervention by bystanders should be greatly emphasized and encouraged. I truly believe that having the right intervention and support would lift victims up and help them overcome. An excellent example would be this when I came across this website, which recognizes and deals with online hazards. It takes a balanced view of the dangers, works closely and helps children, young people and adults to recognize, prevent and respond effectively to issues like cyber-bullying and young people on social networking. Digizen works closely with Schools to inculcate right values and guidance to students about bullying, and also have counselling sessions for troubled victims. Digizen works closely with Childnet too ( They have recently created intervention awareness in the United Kingdom (U.K) by producing this awesome film.

This shows us that intervention and support can result in positive outcomes. It helps victims rise up to become positive and stronger individuals knowing that there are people out there to lend them a helping hand and provide real support.

Pheobe Prince's case has "helped catapult Senate anti-bullying legislation into the forefront." says an article called Cyber-bullying Lesgislastion and Pheobe Prince's Case in The Law has been taken into effect since 1 January 2009, Thursday. In the article called, "IN SEVERAL STATES, A PUSH TO STEM CYBER-BULLYING" found in THE WASHINGTON POST writes, "This week, California becomes the latest state to tackle the issue. Starting today, California schools may suspend or expel students who commit cyber-bullying. The law also singles out such harassment as a subject to be addressed by school officials."
I am glad that this statute is being carried out as this would definately make bulliers think twice because of the serious consequences they will have to face.

In conclusion, i feel that schools, parents and supporting organizations against bullying should work closely together and teach right values to our younger ones. It is sad that Pheobe Prince's closed ones and even teachers knew something but had failed to take practical actions and measures against the bully case. Hopefully, this will teach all of us an important lesson.

R.I.P Prince.

COMMENTED BY: Rebecca Ho Tsuey Zhen (107063N)

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