Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bullying has become so common these days, that it has lead to countless teenagers committing suicides. Bullying does not just stop in schools. There are various forms of bullying like Workplace bullying, Cyber bullying, Political bullying, Military bullying and Hazing or ragging.

I agree with the statement that Judith Vessey made, a professor at the Connell School of Nursing at Boston College who has done extensive research on bullying. She said that ‘Inventions by bystanders is crucial in stopping the downward spiral in bullying cases’. There are many bullying campaigns out there but what is the use of this campaigns if people are refusing to take a step forward and landing a helping hand.

Here’s an article that I would like to share with everyone.

A year ago today, on April 6, 2009, 11-year-old Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover took his own life after enduring constant, daily bullying. He was called "gay," "girlie" and "fag," despite the fact that he was too young to have identified as homosexual. His death captured the nation's attention, putting a spotlight on the effects of childhood taunting.

Carl had been active in his church, taking communion on Palm Sunday jus
t days before his death and playing one of the Wise Men in the Christmas play. He helped those in need and had participated in a black history program, according to ABC.
"That's the type of kid he was," Walker told ABC. "You could rely and count on him."

According to ABC News, the National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center estimated that nearly 30 percent of American youth are either a bully or a target of bullying and researchers at the Yale School of Medicine, in a new review of studies from 13 countries, found signs of an apparent connection between bullying, being bullied and suicide.

Many people in school knew what Carls Joseph Walker-Hoover was going through but, were afraid of stepping forward. I personally feel that inventions by bystanders should be emphasized and should be greatly encouraged as it would help victims of bullying to be more confident and it will boost their self-esteem and also help them in voicing out to bullies. As they will know that there are people out there who are willing to give them a helping hand and are supporting them. Here’s a book I would strongly recommend to anyone who has an interest in the well-being of children in any capacity. The book is called ‘A Journey Out of Bullying From Despair to Hope’.

It’s an easily digested book that one mother wrote after she saved her son, a book packed with essential information that you, a worried parent or a bullied child, can use immediately because you need answers fast. A Journey Out of Bullying is a friend when you really need comfort, advice, and hope.

So therefore, I personally feel that campaigns, schools and bystanders should definitely take time and come up with new ideas or even projects that would be beneficial to the victims of bullying.

Commented by: Vandana Devi

Admin No: 105152D

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