Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My City, My Home

My City, My Home

It is important to maintain a balance our living standards and qualities of life even as we continue to plan for future growth. This is because people tend to neglect their current life issues as they focus on their future most of the time.

One way to plan for future growth is financial planning. People worry a lot that they have not enough finance to support their families in the future and they tend to save and scrimp lot in their present lives. They leave a huge amount of assets that they saved and realize that they do not require such an amount of assets in their retiring life. Although it is good to save for the future, to enhance their quality of lives, they should also try to enjoy the various lifestyles.

In Singapore, we adopt the ‘Many Helping Hands’ Approach whereby everyone plays a role in managing the ageing population. This includes every individual in Singapore. The ageing population requires more healthcare services as the elderly tend to contract certain diseases as their health deteriorates as they grow older. Even the healthy ageing population require frequent health checkups to prevent any illnesses.

Singapore is a multi ethnic society, we consist mainly of the Chinese, Malay , Tamil and Eurasians. This is what makes Singapore unique as we are multi racial. Every individual has it’s own race they belong to and we can bond with different races.

Singapore is known as a ‘Garden City’ because we maintain our environment to be clean and green. To maintain our cleanliness in the country, every citizen must play a part in protecting the environment. The reason for pollution in the country is due to man. Singaporeans should learn to keep the environment clean and not litter and spit everywhere. Schools and community centres often have trips to the beaches or places that are frequently land polluted , volunteers and students will clean up the area. cleaning up the litter is an act of protecting the environment.

Every individual In singapore plays a role in Singapore's well-being. We are the ones who are in charge of our own lives and our motherland.

Done by: Edena Tay
Admin no. : 101867P


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