Monday, June 14, 2010

Singaporeans asked to chew on manners?

I agree only to a certain extend that Singaporeans are rude or bad mannered. I feel that it is inaccurate and judgmental of the Australian journalist to conclude Singaporeans as a whole to be ill mannered based on just one time personal experiences and what it seems like on the surface. It is not right to stereotype the whole nation just because you have had a few rude encounters. I do not believe Singaporeans as a whole are rude people nor are we all considered as ill mannered. There is always a black sheep among the flock.

I am a Singaporean and one of the most common impolite scenes that I see and experience daily is when MRT commuters still stand on yellow lines and arrows causing it really hard for commuters inside the train to alight.

Indeed, this is considered rude and inconsiderate of us. But i feel that this is also inevitable. We live in such a fast paced and hectic society that it causes us to be self centered and constantly rushing and hurrying up. It builds anxiety and a certain fear or worry in us (e.g. being afraid to miss the train and be late for school and work) and therefore, the above scenario happens everyday. In fact, i believe the above scenario not only happens in Singapore, but in anywhere around the world too. Let's take a look at Tokyo, Japan for example.

I then read up on Japanese train mannerism and this is what i have found. "Waiting for and Boarding Trains: When waiting for a train (or bus), line up and wait in an orderly fashion. Once the train arrives, first wait for those getting off the train, and then board without pushing past those in front of you." ( ) Do the Japanese above actually follow and abide these mannerism? Not really. Even though they are actually a nation who takes mannerism very seriously, but when it comes to situations like peak hours, it is really inevitable. Does it mean that the people in Japan should be labelled as rude people? No. I strongly do not think so.

Recently, i read in the papers about a renowned Swiss national, possibly with other accomplices including a Briton broke into the Changi MRT depot and spent at least 20 minutes vandalising the exterior of a MRT train with their signature graffiti artworks. He was arrested and pressed with two charges.

I feel that this should be considered more like a rude act as compared to commuters crowding around the train platform. At least these commuters has a psychological reason behind the way they act, but for this swiss national, he was just being plain disrecpectful when he decides to have fun by vandalizing and ruining our country's property. But even so, does this one-time event makes Switzerland as a whole a rude nation? No it does not.

In conclusion, i feel that we should never stereotype. Rude people exist everywhere. So do polite and considerate people. We are human afterall and we have our own flaws and ugly side. Therefore, i only agree to a certain extent that Singaporeans are ill mannered.

Commented by: Rebecca Ho Tsuey Zhen (107063N)



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