Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Robots to replace Human teachers?

Robot teachers are definitely interesting inventions introduced to the modern education world. No doubt those robot teachers are a hit in South Korea’s elementary schools as they help to boost the education in the country. These robots increase the level of children’s curiosity and interest in learning considering the fact that it is not common for teachers to be robots.

For students, education and character are the basic foundations and it is laid by teachers as well as parents. They tend to instil values, attitudes and behaviours in children when they’re still young. One thing that students like about these robots In south Korea is that they will not get angry or make sarcastic remarks. In other words, students like it that they wouldn’t be reprimanded for any mistakes.

However, having these robot teachers may not be as comparable to real human teachers. Firstly, these robots are not humans and they do not acquire life skills or moral values that can be taught to the students. Even if they have the technology to teach students these moral values and life skills, they do not have any personal experiences to share with the students. Teachers are supposedly students’ role models, in other words, students are actually looking up to robots as their role models who actually don’t apply these life skills and moral values to their lives.

Teachers must be able to understand students’ needs so that the students will not feel lost, be it in their school work or personal life where they face problems. Teachers should not only care for the physical safety and social and emotional needs of their students, but also play their part in moulding characters.

Another problem about these robots is that they do not get angry and is unable to place discipline on the students. Students may not regard their teachers as “adults” but just robots that are in school to teach them.

Teachers play a big part as role models in students’ life, they not only teach but are also providers of social and emotional support to them

Done By: Edena Tay

Admission no.: 101867P





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