Saturday, June 5, 2010

Robot teachers. Good or Bad??

No doubt technology has advanced during the past hundred years, but inventing a robot teacher is something that I personally feel is unrealistic. Firstly, a robot can’t think on its own, it has to be programmed. A teacher can differentiate between right and wrong and inculcate discipline among students, whereas a robot would fail to do so. But most importantly, robots will fail at detecting and reacting to human emotions. Students feed off of emotions to learn how to behave in life and in public around strangers and teachers. Robots would leave a void in this area and it could never be replaced.

Secondly, students might see it as a joke and not take learning seriously and this might affect them academically.

Technology can certainly play a role. Kids will get excited and captivated by the robot, but we have to keep in mind that every kid is different, some might not need personal guidance in their studies whereas some might and that’s where teachers come in as role models to motivate and encourage these kids. Robots will not be able to provide this emotional/physical touch as they are merely sentinels that are programmed to carry out a task, that’s where the old fundamentals still apply. Students rely on compassionate teachers to guide, to tutor, to listen, to laugh and to cry with them. Teachers provide the most important link in the educational process.

In an article by the South Korean government stated that “The government will invest 1 billion KRW ($8.69 million USD) in 2011 to expand the system to 500 preschools."

I personally feel that instead of investing billions of dollars in inventing a robot teacher, the government should invest the money on providing better facilities for the kids in school and making the school a better environment for them.

Commented by: Vandana Devi
Admin No: 105152D

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