Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Singaporeans asked to chew on their manners.

I do agree that a number of Singaporeans are rude and inconsiderate. Singaporeans bad behaviour has reached to such a point that tourist have started to write about it in articles. The most recent article would be by a writer named Tamara Thiessen from Sydney, entitled “Singaporeans asked to chew on their manners”. I agree to a certain extent with what she has commented about Singaporeans, as I myself have experienced it.

For example, last week when I was out with my friends at one of the retail stores in Orchard road, we were served by a very rude sales person. We had to repeatedly ask her for our sizes regardless the store being empty and her response
was very unfriendly too. Another incident would be when you are boarding the MRT, I am sure many of us must have experienced it. People rushing to get a seat even if it requires them to push or hit on someone. All they care about is getting a seat, and if getting a seat is not enough, they even refuse to give up their seats for the needy by pretending to be a sleep or by just not being bothered. Here's an example.

The reason why Singaporeans have been called names like rude, inconsiderate, arrogant, it’s because of how they behave in public and how they portray themselves to others. Being A Singaporean myself, it hurts to be labelled as one.

Our government has come up with many Campaigns trying to help fellow Singaporeans to improve on their behaviours. But sadly, there has not been much improvement. I personally feel that Singaporeans should take all this criticisms as positive remarks and try to make a difference in their behaviour and prove those critics wrong. Government should try and raise up more awareness and promote more effective campaigns in educating and inculcating kindness & consideration in local citizens.

In conclusion, we Singaporeans are not so bad after all, there are a number of us who are well-manned and have basic courtesy. I feel that we just have to be a little more considerate towards the people around us and have initiative towards helping them.



Commented by: Vandana Devi

Admin No: 105152D


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