Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Singapore's Worst Litterbugs.

Singapore’s clean environment is a result of continuous efforts over the last forty years putting in place measures such as stiff penalties, strict enforcement against littering, a robust cleaning regime, and public education and community engagement on littering issues.

The government has come up with many campaigns such as “Clean and Green Singapore “, “10% Energy Challenge “ and the latest campaign they have come up with is “Do The Right Thing. Let's Bin It! Through these campaigns, the government is trying to reach out and spread the awareness amongst us Singaporeans as to why keeping our motherland clean is important.

Upon reading the article, I feel that by giving fines and providing Corrective Work Order (CWO) is a good way of minimising the possibility of having litterbugs in Singapore. However, It may not totally stop the situation, but it will cured the mess cause by litterbugs and it will definitely create awareness amongst Singaporeans that by doing such an offence, offenders will not be let off easily.

Mentioned in the article by Sociologist Paulin Straughan that “changes in attitude are the only realistic way to bring about a long-term change apart from spending even more money on stepping up enforcement.’

I totally agree on her statement as Enforcement officers cannot be everywhere all the time. Singapore can be clean and litter-free only if the people are educated to be responsible owners and users of common space. If they do not treat public places as such, no amount of enforcement and penalties can bring about the desired results.

Therefore, I feel that spending $9 million each year on manpower costs is just too much. Instead, the government should use that money and organise more awareness campaigns and more talks regarding keeping our country clean and green. Apart from the government doing their share, we Singaporeans should also play our part. We should not take advantages of the cleaners thinking that they would clean the place as that is what they are paid to do so. Instead, we should be more responsible and considerate about where we throw our litters and make an effort in keeping our homeland clean.

Done By: Vandana Devi
Admin No: 105152D

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