Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Worst Litterbugs In Singapore

I have to agree that certain areas in Singapore are heavily littered and polluted. Though we are know as a clean and green garden city, there are still irresponsible people out there who litter everywhere. Regarding the 5 offenders , I think they deserved the 3 sentences of Corrective Work Order(CWO) and fines.
First time offenders are allowed a minor fine of $300. However, the 5 offenders have repeatedly broken the law. According to a research, most of the litter repeated offenders are young male smokers. This is because these young male smokers often smoke on the streets and anyhow displace their cigarettes onto the ground.

Another reason for Singapoe becoming a litter ground is due to the foreigners who live here and are accustomed to the way they behave and their daily habits. It is probably common for them to dispose of their litter without having anyone to stop them.

One thing I do not understand is that why can't people just make a little effort to walk to the rubbish bins and dispose their cigarettes into the bins. There are many litter bins placed everywhere around Singapore, they are placed there for people to use them. Yet, people still litter around everywhere.

In other words, litterbugs in Singapore deserve to be punished for harming the beautiful environment Singapore has. The implemented CWO and fines are just mere short-term measures of preventing people from littering. Singapore citizens needs to attain a higher level of education and self discipline on the effects of harming the environment before our city can be free from litter.

Done By: Edena Tay
Admin Number :101867P


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