Sunday, July 11, 2010

Would Knowing Genetic Destiny Make A Difference?

This genome project definitely has its advantages and disadvantages. However, I personally feel that this project won’t leave us better off as it only serves a limited meaningful purpose. It is proven that this gene testing is not accurate; it only probes the possibility of one getting certain illnesses or diseases.

The advantages and benefits would be getting to know the possibilities of the illnesses we might get in the future beforehand and thus, creating a sense of urgency in us to be more cautious with our daily lifestyle, the intake of certain foods and other measures that will help minimize the chances of that probed illness from occurring.

However, disadvantages set in too as this is not an accurate test. It clearly states in the article, “There is no end to the uncertainty of whether you will actually end up with a particular disease you are at risk of getting. Gene testing is still far from being exact science. Predictive tests deal in possibilities, not certainties.” People might react in different ways after knowing the test results. Though it is only a probed and inaccurate result, they might start consuming unsuitable medications or even medications that they don’t even need out of a fearful and worrisome heart. This is definitely something I feel should never happen to the masses just because of an inaccurate genome test. By consuming the wrong medication and medication our bodies don’t even need, it is harmful and can bring many side effects. Sometimes, fatal. Another disadvantage is the fact that people end up worrying and panicking over an event that might or might not happen. It states in the article, “At the outset, there are emotional hurdles to cross. Prof Quake, who received counseling to prepare him for the possibility that the probe might turn up a serious disease, says: All you hear about when they talk about your genome are ways you’re going to die and get sick… If you’re a worrier, this is not for you.” The thing is, what if the probe they have predicted are not accurate and are not actually going to happen? You would have wasted your time and energy worrying. Money would be wasted seeking a counselor too.

In conclusion, I feel that we should not take this genome project too seriously until it manages to prove us something concrete. It is no harm to take this test though, but not to treat it too literally. Instead, I feel that we should constantly be watchful of our personal diet and lifestyle, and making the effort to take practical steps like attending cancer prevention talks or seminars. We should eqquip ourselves with knowledge and then learn to counter it. Taking up responsibilty and loving our own bodies is what I think we should do today. Instead of worrying over the future that is unknown and uncertain, start cherishing what you have today and do your best to preserve it.

Commented By: Rebecca Ho Tsuey Zhen (107063N)


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