Monday, July 12, 2010


I would personally want to know my genetic destiny. I feel that something as unique as knowing our genetic destiny can only be known in today’s generation and it's an advantage for us. By knowing what form of illnesses or diseases you may have in the future and having the advantage of preventing it from actually happening is indeed beneficial. I agree that the gene testing may not be accurate, but there’s no harm in trying it right? Like the saying goes “ You rather be safe then be sorry”.

By knowing the possible diseases that we might actually get in the future, it will not just help us in avoiding these illnesses or diseases by taking the necessary precautions, but it will also give us a reason to start taking care of our health and taking the extra initiative in having a active lifestyle.

Take Pooja Kapoor for example, a lady living in Mumbai, India, was on her way to work one find day when she started to feel a acute pain in her chest. This was not the first time Pooja felt this pain. This got her worried and she went for a check-up on the day itself. Doctors told Pooja that she was suffering ventricular fibrillation, a potentially lethal block of the heart muscle. Doctors told Pooja not to be worried as this incident can be controlled if necessary precautions are taken.

However, I do agree that there are disadvantages upon taking this test, for example, in the article it states that,At the outset, there are emotional hurdles to cross. Prof Quake, who received counseling to prepare him for the possibility that the probe might turn up a serious disease, says: All you hear about when they talk about your genome are ways you’re going to die and get sick… If you’re a worrier, this is not for you.”

So for people who are weak at heart or who know for a fact that upon knowing the result of the test, it will get them worried and panicky, I would advise them to either not go for the gene testing or to do a proper research on the pros and cons before they decide on going for it. Through the research, they will at least have an rough idea of what to expect and also be mentally prepared

In conclusion, I agree that taking the gene testing is definitely beneficial, but I also feel that we people should not depend on such testing to start taking care of our health. We should cultivate the habit of taking care of ourselves from the start. Taking care of your health does not mean heading to the gym every 5 times a week or so, by having all three meals in a day or by having the right amount of nutritious in a day is as good as going to the gym.


Done By: Vandana Devi
Admin No: 105152D


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