Sunday, July 18, 2010

Animal Lover Crying Foul Over Beating

Why do people have pets? There is more than one answer to this question, but, for me personally having a pet in your life should provide you with great joy and companionship - not extra burden or an endless source of frustration, as is so often the case.

It was very saddening to hear about the recent incident of the poor puppy being beaten just because it chewed on the cushion. Owners who want to have dogs as their pets, should first research on the pros and cons of having one. Dogs have their own set of behavioural problems. Lack of proper training methods may badly affect your dog's behaviour and turn your beloved pet into a disobedient, aggressive or unruly dog. As a dog owner you should be aware of these problems and train your dog accordingly.

There are lots of dog behaviour problems such as, Chewing ,Biting ,Growling over Food ,Fear Biting ,Barking ,Digging ,Getting in the Garbage ,Jumping ,Car Chasing.

Here are some 8 proven dog behaviour training methods that owner can use in training their dogs:

Be Positive - It is necessary to use positive reinforcement when you train your dog or puppy by offering some dog treats and a lot of praise if he performs something correctly.

Firm and Friendly- When you give commands such as heel and come, you want to use happy, friendly voice. On the other hand, you will want a lower, firmer voice for sit, down, and stay.

Start Young…but not too early - The ideal time to start training begins at six to eight weeks, maybe even earlier depending on the puppy. But remember, it’s never too late to teach a dog a new trick.

Don’t Rub His Nose in It - Though it may be tempting to rub your dog’s nose in his accident or swat him with a rolled up newspaper. Punishing your dog is not really a desired form of dog training. The only thing this will do in the end is teach your dog a serious problem--to become afraid of you.

Be Patient - Patience is key when you work with your dog or puppy. Your dog is incredibly smart and will pick up on your emotions. Remember, this is fun!

Keep it Short - Fifteen minutes or so is about the right time for learning simple commands, so focus on a single command a session and end it on a positive note. If your dog or pup has successfully done the command several times in a row remember to lavish him with praise. After the dog training session, spend some time playing. He will associate time with you as positive and anticipate his training.

No Distractions - Try to pick a quiet spot free of distractions when training your dog to do tricks or commands. A secluded back yard or an inside room works best.

And Remember, This is Fun! - Dog training, of course, ought to be a pleasant time for you and dog. The time can be used to bond closely with your dog and learn each other’s personalities. When you do this, you will not only have a well-trained dog or puppy, but a long-time, loyal companion and friend.

I would recommend owners to view this useful links, where there are more tips on how you can train your dogs.,

Owners can also try reading this book called ‘Train Your Dog the Lazy Way’ by Andrean Areden. It has more than 101 ways of training your dog in the most unique and fun ways.

In conclusion, in order to get our dogs to obey us, we must show the dog who is the boss. You don't show a dog "who is boss" by hitting it, yelling at it, or via other methods of punishment. You show a dog who is the boss by being its leader. Show it what to do, how to behave. Most dogs are waiting for you to take the lead.

Commented by: Vandana Devi

Admin no: 105152D


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