Friday, July 16, 2010

Animal Lovers Crying Foul Over Beating.

I felt extremely sad after seeing how that dog has been badly abused and frightened. I am strongly against animal abuse and I do not agree with how that woman is treating and disciplining the dog. There are many ways to train a dog to be obedient but laying harsh hands on them and verbally abusing it is definitely not the way.

There are many ways to deal with common dog behavioral problems. Common problems include chewing problems, excessive barking, submissive urination and many more. These issues can be reduced and eventually solved but first of all, 4 main ground rules should be set. First of all, as a dog’s owner, always be clear that you are always the alpha dog and leader in your owner-dog relationship. Second, make it clear to your dog what is acceptable and what is not. Third, always find out the reasons behind as to why your dog is behaving this way and the causes of that particular behavior. It is always wise to know what the root of the problem is. Last but not least, always be consistent, patient and committed in training your dog and you will eventually see good results.

A very common problem that many dog owners face would be the chewing of objects like furniture, socks and shoes. Chewing is not wrong, but we ought to discipline our dogs to chew on the right things. It is important that we stop our dogs from chewing almost everything not only because it frustrates us, but also because it can be very dangerous for our dogs. If our dog chews into electric wires, poisons and any number of other objects they could be in serious danger. We will first need to understand why our dogs are chewing excessively. I have done some research through this useful website and found out the reason why they are chewing could be these possibilites.

  • Through loneliness or boredom.
  • Seperation Anxiety - this form of chewing often occurs when the owner's away from home for long hours.
  • Teething.
  • Through a fear or a phobia.
  • Seeking attention.
  • Through anticipation - chewing just before its owner arrives home.

We now know that dogs chew as a form of distress from their anxities. We can take these practical steps so they learn to chew on the right things.

  • Provide your dog with a few tasty chew toys. Make it perfectly clear to your dog that if he/she needs to chew, it must be on the chew toys. It's a good idea to toss a dog toy stuffed with some tasty treats to your dog as you leave for work each morning.
  • Keep your dog in a safe and confined area while you are away from home. This could be a dog crate, kennel run or any secure room in your house. Of course you should provide a few chew toys in this area and ensure that there are no dangerous objects present.
  • Provide your dog with lots of exercise, both physical and mental when you are at home (games, obedience training, tricks...) Dogs yearn for our companionship so we ought to set apart time for them no matter how busy.
In conculsion, I feel that we should give animals the due respect and care as they are a wonderful creation and have feelings too. If you decide to own a pet today, make sure you have already considered the amount of responsibility and time you will need to give to take good care of them. Abusing them is NOT the thing you should do.

Commented by: Rebecca Ho Tsuey Zhen (107063N) =]


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