Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Would Knowing Genetic Destiny Make A Difference?

Knowing our Genetic Destiny, would it make a difference in our lives? Majoriy of the people will definitely want to find out more about the illnesses they will face in future. It is so as to take precautions against the illnesses that will occur in their future lives.

Yes, it is good to know what kind of illnesses you might face in the future. However, People who actually take the test of finding out their genetic destiny must be brave and courageous.
There are emotional hurdles to overcome in order to take the results of the gene testings well. In cases of finding out th future illnesses they might face, they may not be able to face the truth and cause fear in themselves. In certain people's mindsets ,' So instead of finding out the future health conditons, why not just wait and see?'

Furthermore, gene testing may not be deemed as 100% accurate yet. Hence, people who went through the tests may not have the illnesses that were shown to have.
On a lighter note, these gene tests may be answers to certain health philosophies and conditions that doctors and scientists have not been able to study about.

Done By: Edena Tay
Admin number: 101867P


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