Sunday, July 18, 2010

Animal lovers crying foul over beating

I was outraged when I first watched the video of the woman abusing her pet dog. Animals are living things like humans, they deserve to be equally treated as living beings, not some toy for humans to vent on . People keep pets because they love animals, they want to take care of them with love and compassion. In my opinion,the abuser definitely contradicts the role of an animal lover.

Reports of alleged animal abuses are on the rise according to the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or SPCA."The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) gets about 350 cases of feedback a year of alleged animal cruelty. " My heart aches upon seeing pictures and videos of animal cruelty . These pets do not know how to defend themselves when being abused.A pet must have sufficient space to move freely and comfortably.It must have enough headroom to stand upright on its hind legs. Most importantly, they must be provided wih proper food and clean drinking water.

Abusing not only dogs but also other pets can create fear and aggressiveness in them. Just like humans, they can have emotional traumas within themselves. Further abusing may also cause depression when these pets realise that thei owners to not love them at all. Animals want love from their owners just like how children want love from their parents.

In the video, it has shown that the woman was punishing her dog for biting on a cushion. The way she punishes her dog is unacceptable, violence is not a way to teach the dog that it did wrong. Pets are bought for us to love and care for, it is in their nature to bite inanimate objects. I personally have two rabbits and althought my pets bite my stuff and spoil them, I still love them because I know that they are just pets who are ignorant about the issues we are sensitive about.

I sincerely hope that all animal abusers will be punished by the law, who knows how many more animals are going to suffer amidst this tiny island of animal crulety.

Done By: Edena Tay 101867P


At February 10, 2014 at 8:01 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

If you want to have a small but sturdy pet dog, then the Border terrier might be for you my site

At July 8, 2016 at 1:35 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Me and my brother are animal lovers and I must say that animals can give us happiness too.


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