Saturday, July 31, 2010

Good son fights for all neglected parents!

I truly respect Mr Seah Kian Peng for emplifying filial piety and setting such a good example for the people. It is true and very real that in this day and age today, we have a generation that seems to be degrading in morality and values. Being filial to our parents and truly taking good care of them has also become an issue and problem for our society today. Why is that so? We have had many reasons or rather excuses such as being really busy with work thus having absolutely no time to care for the aged, not financially stable enough to provide for them and many other reasons. But I feel that no matter how hectic or unstable life can be, we still ought to take responsibility for our own parents who brought us to this world, took good care of us and shaped us to become who we are today. This responsibility should not be done out of obligation, but out of love.

I think that the government has done a good job by promoting videos such the this and circulating them around the nation for filial piety awareness.

The above video is the latest installment of National Family Council's Family campaign, Filial Piety: Father & Son revolves around the ups and downs of a three-generation household, with the heart and soul of the campaign captured by the line, "How one generation loves, the next generation learns." I feel that it conveys a very strong and powerful message for the people in Singapore. It is true that we should always be thankful for who we are today because of our parents.

In conclusion, i feel that the government should keep up the good work of encouraging filial piety and also create more events and programs for families to spend quality time together. Bonding is important to strengthen family ties and relationships. When relationships are being strongly built, it is going to cause the children to become naturally willing to take care of their parents when they age. Schools and the education sectors should also emphasize and teach the young the importance of showing respect and taking responsibilities for their parents. Being thankful and grateful should always the key reason that drives us to love and take good care of our parents.

Commented by: Rebecca Ho Tsuey Zhen (107063N)


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