Sunday, July 25, 2010

Elite Schools or not Does not Matter

I completely agree with what Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong stated in the article “Success hinges more on what one makes of the opportunities given”. Being it from a well known school or from a neighbouring school, one has to have the COURAGE, DRIVE and DETERMINATION to live up to their dreams.

One very good role model which we all can relate to, would be our very own favourite soccer player Fandi Ahmad. He was like anyother ordinary guy who attended a neighbouring school in Serangoon Garden Secondary and then furthered his studies in Singapore Vocational Institute (now known as ITE Balestier) where he enrolled in 1977 for a Mechanical Servicing course. Unknown to him at that time, he was to be Singapore's favourite soccer son and a warrior most feared by his opponents for his unmatched deadly tactics. Now at the age of 48, Fandi Ahmad runs a tight daily schedule, shuttling between the sports stadium where he coaches the team from Singapore Armed Forces Football Club and Anugerah Kencana Auto, a car dealer company where he is a partner. He was awarded the ITE Alumni Achievement in Sports where he mentioned that ITE gave him the opportunity to earn technical skills and gave him ample room space to display his soccer skill in many tournaments. Despite earning all the fame and glory, Fandi Ahmad was never arrogant about his success and continued striving for more with no expectations of return in the end.

One of my favourite quotes is “Falling down is not defeat, real defeat is when you are refusing to get up". This is absolutely the truth. You have to think like a winner to be a winner. Having a good attitude is the single most important key to success in anything. Remember, you choose how you define success; it’s all in the mind. School is where we are taught of recognising our skills and being motivated in perusing them. The journey from there is all up to us. I persoanlly feel that the opportunities that are offered to us in schools be if from neighbouring schools or from a well know schools are somewhat the same. It’s all about how we make use of the opportunities given and having the “never give up” attitude in excelling.


Commented by: Vandana Devi
Admin no: 105152D


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