Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Animal Lovers Crying Foul Over Beating

A pet is an animal kept for companionship and enjoyment or a household animal, as opposed to wild animals or to livestock, laboratory animals, working animals or sport animals, which are kept for economic or productive reasons. The most popular pets are noted for their loyal or playful characteristics, for their attractive appearance, or for their song.

Whether one is for or against raising pets depends mainly on whether one loves animals. Of course, keeping pets have their pros and cons but should pet owners deal with the disadvantages optimistically, they are sure to enjoy their time spent with their pets.

I believe that pets are not senseless. They can feel the way they are treated and react to people in an equivalent way. If pets are well behaved, they would certainly become obedient and faithful servants. Pets are also a good source of accompaniment especially for those who are always home alone. One can pour their sorrows to their pets as they would keep one’s secret safe and sound. As stated previously, pets can sense our emotions. Hence, pets are many owners’ best friend.

Conversely, pets may be more of a burden than value if they are not well-disciplined. Should pets such as dogs and cats be untrained, they may cause frequent chaos in homes. The problem may even escalate to a hazard should pets nibble with the electrical wires or topple over bottles of drugs (medicine). In addition, raising pets also add on the financial burden of owners. Keeping pets are costly as they require training, grooming and medical check-ups frequently and the equipments used are all specialised just for animals. Thus, they are quite pricey to be maintain.

Although keeping pets have their advantages and disadvantages, one should bear in mind the responsibilities of raising pets before making their decision. Firstly, he must evaluate the kind of lifestyle that he lives. Whether it is more of an active or simple type, these determine if an owner still has the time to take care of the dog. Secondly, is to have enough and suitable room for the pet to live in. Thirdly, if one has enough time to take care of the dog and an owner must also have enough money to cover the dogs' expenses. More important information to note can be found on http://www.spca.org.sg/adoptqns.html. On the above, I feel that an essential point to note is that how much you would love your pet.

There are many cases where pets are abuse and abandon. “On average, AVA removes from the streets about 300 dogs a month. An estimated 1-6 per cent of these 300 dogs are believed to be abandoned.” (http://www.ava.gov.sg/NewsEvents/PressReleases/2000
/Pet+Abused+Neglected+Sick+Dog+Abandoned+in+Lift.htm) This is a result of people acquiring pets without careful consideration or appreciating the important responsibilities that come with pet ownership. Furthermore, news reports of animal abuse are gradually appearing more often. Therefore, it shows that the current situation of abandon and abused pets are on the rise.

Though the Singapore SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) frequently hold campaigns to promote the awareness of animal abuse, I feel that the government can still further emphasis the importance of caring for animals by educating the younger generation from young. Family also plays an essential part as setting good role models for the young ones affects the way they behave in future.

Remember: A pet is for life, not for a moment.

Credits: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pets

Done By: Kwek Wan Ling
Admin Number: 103503L


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