Saturday, July 31, 2010

Good son fights for all neglected parents!

I truly respect Mr Seah Kian Peng for emplifying filial piety and setting such a good example for the people. It is true and very real that in this day and age today, we have a generation that seems to be degrading in morality and values. Being filial to our parents and truly taking good care of them has also become an issue and problem for our society today. Why is that so? We have had many reasons or rather excuses such as being really busy with work thus having absolutely no time to care for the aged, not financially stable enough to provide for them and many other reasons. But I feel that no matter how hectic or unstable life can be, we still ought to take responsibility for our own parents who brought us to this world, took good care of us and shaped us to become who we are today. This responsibility should not be done out of obligation, but out of love.

I think that the government has done a good job by promoting videos such the this and circulating them around the nation for filial piety awareness.

The above video is the latest installment of National Family Council's Family campaign, Filial Piety: Father & Son revolves around the ups and downs of a three-generation household, with the heart and soul of the campaign captured by the line, "How one generation loves, the next generation learns." I feel that it conveys a very strong and powerful message for the people in Singapore. It is true that we should always be thankful for who we are today because of our parents.

In conclusion, i feel that the government should keep up the good work of encouraging filial piety and also create more events and programs for families to spend quality time together. Bonding is important to strengthen family ties and relationships. When relationships are being strongly built, it is going to cause the children to become naturally willing to take care of their parents when they age. Schools and the education sectors should also emphasize and teach the young the importance of showing respect and taking responsibilities for their parents. Being thankful and grateful should always the key reason that drives us to love and take good care of our parents.

Commented by: Rebecca Ho Tsuey Zhen (107063N)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Elite Schools or Not, Doesn't Matter - PM Lee

“Which school are you from?”

“I’m from Raffles.”

Does it ring a bell? When you hear names like Raffles, Hwa Chong and many others, it may be verbal or a secret inside, but most will definitely give a “wow” should they be from a neighbouring school. Why is this so? In Singapore, paper qualifications and education are highly regarded. As Singapore only has human as her resource, the government spent much money on educating its citizens. From young, we are instill with the mindset that going to elite schools would have better future prospects as many thought that elite schools offer better quality education.

Most of us want our lives to have meaning. We want to add value, at least in some small way. We want to be admired. Thus, we have this mindset that going to elite schools promise us a better future as they have better reputation and have produced outstanding role models.

So does going to elite schools really matters? Whether it matters or not depends on the way you see it. Personally, I feel that it does not matter. Should one perform well in a neighborhood school, it is better than one failing in an elite school. Researchers Stacy Berg Dale and Alan Krueger found that admirable character traits -- persistence, imagination, energy -- produce success in life no matter which college a person attends. Hence, what matters most is ones’ attitude. Should one be persistent and give his best, he would definitely be successful one day.

In addition, it is proven by numerous successful people that going to elite schools or not does not matter. One very good example to cite is Bill Gates. He dropped-out from school but now, he is one of the richest man in the world, who is consistently ranked among the world's wealthiest people and was the wealthiest overall from 1995 to 2009, excluding 2008, when he was ranked third. Many would have thought that his future was bleak. Nobody would have expected his achievements today when he dropped-out of school.

It can not be deny that elite schools do not offer special programmes to their students. Elite schools do offer different education and have certain “privileges” such as exemption from Cambridge O-Levels Examination. Students in elite schools are also taught knowledge that are a level higher compared to neighborhood schools’ students. This widens the “knowledge gap” as the elite students get smarter and smarter while students in neighbourhood schools make small improvements at a time which are difficult to catch up.

In conclusion, I feel that it does not matter if one is from an elite school or not. Although the school names are stated on the certificates and paper qualifications, it does not reflects the character and ability of one. What matters most is the attitude one has. Should one have the will to learn and strong determination, one would be successful in anything one does.

Done By: Kwek Wan Ling
Admin Number: 103503L

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Elite Schools or not Does not Matter

I completely agree with what Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong stated in the article “Success hinges more on what one makes of the opportunities given”. Being it from a well known school or from a neighbouring school, one has to have the COURAGE, DRIVE and DETERMINATION to live up to their dreams.

One very good role model which we all can relate to, would be our very own favourite soccer player Fandi Ahmad. He was like anyother ordinary guy who attended a neighbouring school in Serangoon Garden Secondary and then furthered his studies in Singapore Vocational Institute (now known as ITE Balestier) where he enrolled in 1977 for a Mechanical Servicing course. Unknown to him at that time, he was to be Singapore's favourite soccer son and a warrior most feared by his opponents for his unmatched deadly tactics. Now at the age of 48, Fandi Ahmad runs a tight daily schedule, shuttling between the sports stadium where he coaches the team from Singapore Armed Forces Football Club and Anugerah Kencana Auto, a car dealer company where he is a partner. He was awarded the ITE Alumni Achievement in Sports where he mentioned that ITE gave him the opportunity to earn technical skills and gave him ample room space to display his soccer skill in many tournaments. Despite earning all the fame and glory, Fandi Ahmad was never arrogant about his success and continued striving for more with no expectations of return in the end.

One of my favourite quotes is “Falling down is not defeat, real defeat is when you are refusing to get up". This is absolutely the truth. You have to think like a winner to be a winner. Having a good attitude is the single most important key to success in anything. Remember, you choose how you define success; it’s all in the mind. School is where we are taught of recognising our skills and being motivated in perusing them. The journey from there is all up to us. I persoanlly feel that the opportunities that are offered to us in schools be if from neighbouring schools or from a well know schools are somewhat the same. It’s all about how we make use of the opportunities given and having the “never give up” attitude in excelling.


Commented by: Vandana Devi
Admin no: 105152D

Friday, July 23, 2010

Elite schools or not, does not matter - PM Lee

I strongly agree with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong when he said, "... You don't have to go to the best schools in Singapore or the most popular school in Singapore in order to get ahead." Of course, many might argue about the teaching methods and that the range of unique programs and ciriculums offered in elite schools are much wider as compared to neighbouring schools, but i still feel that learning boils down to an individual's attitude. You can have the best programs and teachers available, but still fail to perform if you take them for granted and are not willing to learn.

I have read many awesome life testimonies about those who came from humble backgrounds, who attended low profile neighbouring schools and are yet able to reach the highest peak and achieve the same outstanding results as those in elite schools. Their testimonies have greatly encouraged and inspired me including this young man's testimony here.

Daniel Poh (above, right) 21, a former ITE (Institute of Technical Education) student, and now a Singapore Polytechinc (SP) Biomedical science student was being selected to complete an internship at the Harvard University's medical school. It was at ITE, where he was enrolled in a biochemical technology course, that he found his calling in science research. He has then emerged top in his course with a perfect grade point average (G.P.A) of 4.0. Today he has a satisfying G.P.A of 3.6 in Singapore Polytechnic and together with his strong passion and willingness to learn about biomedical research, the school has given him this rare opportunity to complete his internship at the Harvard. It is indeed such a privilege.

In closing, i feel that everyone has the equal chance and ability to do well and acheive. Elite schools or not, it does not really matter. What is more important is how much are you willing to set aside time to understand, practice and learn, how much determination and will-power you have inside, and how strong your passion is for learning. If you believe, there is always a way.
The only limitation and barrier is when you decide to give up.

Commented by: Rebecca Ho Tsuey Zhen (107063N)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Animal Lovers Crying Foul Over Beating

A pet is an animal kept for companionship and enjoyment or a household animal, as opposed to wild animals or to livestock, laboratory animals, working animals or sport animals, which are kept for economic or productive reasons. The most popular pets are noted for their loyal or playful characteristics, for their attractive appearance, or for their song.

Whether one is for or against raising pets depends mainly on whether one loves animals. Of course, keeping pets have their pros and cons but should pet owners deal with the disadvantages optimistically, they are sure to enjoy their time spent with their pets.

I believe that pets are not senseless. They can feel the way they are treated and react to people in an equivalent way. If pets are well behaved, they would certainly become obedient and faithful servants. Pets are also a good source of accompaniment especially for those who are always home alone. One can pour their sorrows to their pets as they would keep one’s secret safe and sound. As stated previously, pets can sense our emotions. Hence, pets are many owners’ best friend.

Conversely, pets may be more of a burden than value if they are not well-disciplined. Should pets such as dogs and cats be untrained, they may cause frequent chaos in homes. The problem may even escalate to a hazard should pets nibble with the electrical wires or topple over bottles of drugs (medicine). In addition, raising pets also add on the financial burden of owners. Keeping pets are costly as they require training, grooming and medical check-ups frequently and the equipments used are all specialised just for animals. Thus, they are quite pricey to be maintain.

Although keeping pets have their advantages and disadvantages, one should bear in mind the responsibilities of raising pets before making their decision. Firstly, he must evaluate the kind of lifestyle that he lives. Whether it is more of an active or simple type, these determine if an owner still has the time to take care of the dog. Secondly, is to have enough and suitable room for the pet to live in. Thirdly, if one has enough time to take care of the dog and an owner must also have enough money to cover the dogs' expenses. More important information to note can be found on On the above, I feel that an essential point to note is that how much you would love your pet.

There are many cases where pets are abuse and abandon. “On average, AVA removes from the streets about 300 dogs a month. An estimated 1-6 per cent of these 300 dogs are believed to be abandoned.” (
/Pet+Abused+Neglected+Sick+Dog+Abandoned+in+Lift.htm) This is a result of people acquiring pets without careful consideration or appreciating the important responsibilities that come with pet ownership. Furthermore, news reports of animal abuse are gradually appearing more often. Therefore, it shows that the current situation of abandon and abused pets are on the rise.

Though the Singapore SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) frequently hold campaigns to promote the awareness of animal abuse, I feel that the government can still further emphasis the importance of caring for animals by educating the younger generation from young. Family also plays an essential part as setting good role models for the young ones affects the way they behave in future.

Remember: A pet is for life, not for a moment.


Done By: Kwek Wan Ling
Admin Number: 103503L

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Animal lovers crying foul over beating

I was outraged when I first watched the video of the woman abusing her pet dog. Animals are living things like humans, they deserve to be equally treated as living beings, not some toy for humans to vent on . People keep pets because they love animals, they want to take care of them with love and compassion. In my opinion,the abuser definitely contradicts the role of an animal lover.

Reports of alleged animal abuses are on the rise according to the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or SPCA."The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) gets about 350 cases of feedback a year of alleged animal cruelty. " My heart aches upon seeing pictures and videos of animal cruelty . These pets do not know how to defend themselves when being abused.A pet must have sufficient space to move freely and comfortably.It must have enough headroom to stand upright on its hind legs. Most importantly, they must be provided wih proper food and clean drinking water.

Abusing not only dogs but also other pets can create fear and aggressiveness in them. Just like humans, they can have emotional traumas within themselves. Further abusing may also cause depression when these pets realise that thei owners to not love them at all. Animals want love from their owners just like how children want love from their parents.

In the video, it has shown that the woman was punishing her dog for biting on a cushion. The way she punishes her dog is unacceptable, violence is not a way to teach the dog that it did wrong. Pets are bought for us to love and care for, it is in their nature to bite inanimate objects. I personally have two rabbits and althought my pets bite my stuff and spoil them, I still love them because I know that they are just pets who are ignorant about the issues we are sensitive about.

I sincerely hope that all animal abusers will be punished by the law, who knows how many more animals are going to suffer amidst this tiny island of animal crulety.

Done By: Edena Tay 101867P

Animal Lover Crying Foul Over Beating

Why do people have pets? There is more than one answer to this question, but, for me personally having a pet in your life should provide you with great joy and companionship - not extra burden or an endless source of frustration, as is so often the case.

It was very saddening to hear about the recent incident of the poor puppy being beaten just because it chewed on the cushion. Owners who want to have dogs as their pets, should first research on the pros and cons of having one. Dogs have their own set of behavioural problems. Lack of proper training methods may badly affect your dog's behaviour and turn your beloved pet into a disobedient, aggressive or unruly dog. As a dog owner you should be aware of these problems and train your dog accordingly.

There are lots of dog behaviour problems such as, Chewing ,Biting ,Growling over Food ,Fear Biting ,Barking ,Digging ,Getting in the Garbage ,Jumping ,Car Chasing.

Here are some 8 proven dog behaviour training methods that owner can use in training their dogs:

Be Positive - It is necessary to use positive reinforcement when you train your dog or puppy by offering some dog treats and a lot of praise if he performs something correctly.

Firm and Friendly- When you give commands such as heel and come, you want to use happy, friendly voice. On the other hand, you will want a lower, firmer voice for sit, down, and stay.

Start Young…but not too early - The ideal time to start training begins at six to eight weeks, maybe even earlier depending on the puppy. But remember, it’s never too late to teach a dog a new trick.

Don’t Rub His Nose in It - Though it may be tempting to rub your dog’s nose in his accident or swat him with a rolled up newspaper. Punishing your dog is not really a desired form of dog training. The only thing this will do in the end is teach your dog a serious problem--to become afraid of you.

Be Patient - Patience is key when you work with your dog or puppy. Your dog is incredibly smart and will pick up on your emotions. Remember, this is fun!

Keep it Short - Fifteen minutes or so is about the right time for learning simple commands, so focus on a single command a session and end it on a positive note. If your dog or pup has successfully done the command several times in a row remember to lavish him with praise. After the dog training session, spend some time playing. He will associate time with you as positive and anticipate his training.

No Distractions - Try to pick a quiet spot free of distractions when training your dog to do tricks or commands. A secluded back yard or an inside room works best.

And Remember, This is Fun! - Dog training, of course, ought to be a pleasant time for you and dog. The time can be used to bond closely with your dog and learn each other’s personalities. When you do this, you will not only have a well-trained dog or puppy, but a long-time, loyal companion and friend.

I would recommend owners to view this useful links, where there are more tips on how you can train your dogs.,

Owners can also try reading this book called ‘Train Your Dog the Lazy Way’ by Andrean Areden. It has more than 101 ways of training your dog in the most unique and fun ways.

In conclusion, in order to get our dogs to obey us, we must show the dog who is the boss. You don't show a dog "who is boss" by hitting it, yelling at it, or via other methods of punishment. You show a dog who is the boss by being its leader. Show it what to do, how to behave. Most dogs are waiting for you to take the lead.

Commented by: Vandana Devi

Admin no: 105152D

Friday, July 16, 2010

Animal Lovers Crying Foul Over Beating.

I felt extremely sad after seeing how that dog has been badly abused and frightened. I am strongly against animal abuse and I do not agree with how that woman is treating and disciplining the dog. There are many ways to train a dog to be obedient but laying harsh hands on them and verbally abusing it is definitely not the way.

There are many ways to deal with common dog behavioral problems. Common problems include chewing problems, excessive barking, submissive urination and many more. These issues can be reduced and eventually solved but first of all, 4 main ground rules should be set. First of all, as a dog’s owner, always be clear that you are always the alpha dog and leader in your owner-dog relationship. Second, make it clear to your dog what is acceptable and what is not. Third, always find out the reasons behind as to why your dog is behaving this way and the causes of that particular behavior. It is always wise to know what the root of the problem is. Last but not least, always be consistent, patient and committed in training your dog and you will eventually see good results.

A very common problem that many dog owners face would be the chewing of objects like furniture, socks and shoes. Chewing is not wrong, but we ought to discipline our dogs to chew on the right things. It is important that we stop our dogs from chewing almost everything not only because it frustrates us, but also because it can be very dangerous for our dogs. If our dog chews into electric wires, poisons and any number of other objects they could be in serious danger. We will first need to understand why our dogs are chewing excessively. I have done some research through this useful website and found out the reason why they are chewing could be these possibilites.

  • Through loneliness or boredom.
  • Seperation Anxiety - this form of chewing often occurs when the owner's away from home for long hours.
  • Teething.
  • Through a fear or a phobia.
  • Seeking attention.
  • Through anticipation - chewing just before its owner arrives home.

We now know that dogs chew as a form of distress from their anxities. We can take these practical steps so they learn to chew on the right things.

  • Provide your dog with a few tasty chew toys. Make it perfectly clear to your dog that if he/she needs to chew, it must be on the chew toys. It's a good idea to toss a dog toy stuffed with some tasty treats to your dog as you leave for work each morning.
  • Keep your dog in a safe and confined area while you are away from home. This could be a dog crate, kennel run or any secure room in your house. Of course you should provide a few chew toys in this area and ensure that there are no dangerous objects present.
  • Provide your dog with lots of exercise, both physical and mental when you are at home (games, obedience training, tricks...) Dogs yearn for our companionship so we ought to set apart time for them no matter how busy.
In conculsion, I feel that we should give animals the due respect and care as they are a wonderful creation and have feelings too. If you decide to own a pet today, make sure you have already considered the amount of responsibility and time you will need to give to take good care of them. Abusing them is NOT the thing you should do.

Commented by: Rebecca Ho Tsuey Zhen (107063N) =]

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Would Knowing Genetic Destiny Make A Difference?

The Genome database provides views for a variety of genomes, complete chromosomes, sequence maps with contigs, and integrated genetic and physical maps. The mapping of human genes is an important step in the development of medicines and other aspects of health care. While it has its advantages, it definitely also has disadvantages. I feel that knowing genetic destiny makes a huge difference to one’s decisions in life.

Although gene testing only shows the possibility of contracting disease(s), it still shows that there is a chance of having that disease. Though there are infinite possibilities and uncertainties, one would still be adversely affected as they heard about the ways they are going to die and the illness they would contract. We are humans after all. How can we possibly be totally unaffected when hearing our pessimistic future?

In addition, present diet and lifestyle also plays a role in one’s genetic destiny. Keeping a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle would of course help to minimize the risks of contracting illnesses. Having a balanced diet consists of carbohydrates, proteins and fats which would provide the human body with energy, nutrients and vitamins to fight off the harmful bacteria. Keeping a healthy lifestyle by exercising frequently is also essential in fighting off illnesses as the chances of having a heart attack and obesity is reduce. Hence, whether one lives healthily affects the chances of contracting the sickness too.

Conversely, people can take the necessary precautions upon knowing their genetic destiny. As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure”. They can be more cautious of their health and living by going for frequent medical health check-ups and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Also, one would learn to cherish his life and live everyday to the fullest, leaving no regrets.

In conclusion, I feel that knowing one’s genetic destiny has more detrimental effects than advantages. Although the gene testing only shows a possibility of our future, it leaves one in a worrying state. “Life is full of unpredictables”. Therefore, we should maintain a healthy lifestyle by having a balance diet and exercising frequently as we know that they certainly help to minimize our risks of having diseases and not waste time dwelling on uncertainties.

Done By: Kwek Wan Ling
Admin Number: 103503L

Would Knowing Genetic Destiny Make A Difference?

Knowing our Genetic Destiny, would it make a difference in our lives? Majoriy of the people will definitely want to find out more about the illnesses they will face in future. It is so as to take precautions against the illnesses that will occur in their future lives.

Yes, it is good to know what kind of illnesses you might face in the future. However, People who actually take the test of finding out their genetic destiny must be brave and courageous.
There are emotional hurdles to overcome in order to take the results of the gene testings well. In cases of finding out th future illnesses they might face, they may not be able to face the truth and cause fear in themselves. In certain people's mindsets ,' So instead of finding out the future health conditons, why not just wait and see?'

Furthermore, gene testing may not be deemed as 100% accurate yet. Hence, people who went through the tests may not have the illnesses that were shown to have.
On a lighter note, these gene tests may be answers to certain health philosophies and conditions that doctors and scientists have not been able to study about.

Done By: Edena Tay
Admin number: 101867P

Monday, July 12, 2010


I would personally want to know my genetic destiny. I feel that something as unique as knowing our genetic destiny can only be known in today’s generation and it's an advantage for us. By knowing what form of illnesses or diseases you may have in the future and having the advantage of preventing it from actually happening is indeed beneficial. I agree that the gene testing may not be accurate, but there’s no harm in trying it right? Like the saying goes “ You rather be safe then be sorry”.

By knowing the possible diseases that we might actually get in the future, it will not just help us in avoiding these illnesses or diseases by taking the necessary precautions, but it will also give us a reason to start taking care of our health and taking the extra initiative in having a active lifestyle.

Take Pooja Kapoor for example, a lady living in Mumbai, India, was on her way to work one find day when she started to feel a acute pain in her chest. This was not the first time Pooja felt this pain. This got her worried and she went for a check-up on the day itself. Doctors told Pooja that she was suffering ventricular fibrillation, a potentially lethal block of the heart muscle. Doctors told Pooja not to be worried as this incident can be controlled if necessary precautions are taken.

However, I do agree that there are disadvantages upon taking this test, for example, in the article it states that,At the outset, there are emotional hurdles to cross. Prof Quake, who received counseling to prepare him for the possibility that the probe might turn up a serious disease, says: All you hear about when they talk about your genome are ways you’re going to die and get sick… If you’re a worrier, this is not for you.”

So for people who are weak at heart or who know for a fact that upon knowing the result of the test, it will get them worried and panicky, I would advise them to either not go for the gene testing or to do a proper research on the pros and cons before they decide on going for it. Through the research, they will at least have an rough idea of what to expect and also be mentally prepared

In conclusion, I agree that taking the gene testing is definitely beneficial, but I also feel that we people should not depend on such testing to start taking care of our health. We should cultivate the habit of taking care of ourselves from the start. Taking care of your health does not mean heading to the gym every 5 times a week or so, by having all three meals in a day or by having the right amount of nutritious in a day is as good as going to the gym.


Done By: Vandana Devi
Admin No: 105152D

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Would Knowing Genetic Destiny Make A Difference?

This genome project definitely has its advantages and disadvantages. However, I personally feel that this project won’t leave us better off as it only serves a limited meaningful purpose. It is proven that this gene testing is not accurate; it only probes the possibility of one getting certain illnesses or diseases.

The advantages and benefits would be getting to know the possibilities of the illnesses we might get in the future beforehand and thus, creating a sense of urgency in us to be more cautious with our daily lifestyle, the intake of certain foods and other measures that will help minimize the chances of that probed illness from occurring.

However, disadvantages set in too as this is not an accurate test. It clearly states in the article, “There is no end to the uncertainty of whether you will actually end up with a particular disease you are at risk of getting. Gene testing is still far from being exact science. Predictive tests deal in possibilities, not certainties.” People might react in different ways after knowing the test results. Though it is only a probed and inaccurate result, they might start consuming unsuitable medications or even medications that they don’t even need out of a fearful and worrisome heart. This is definitely something I feel should never happen to the masses just because of an inaccurate genome test. By consuming the wrong medication and medication our bodies don’t even need, it is harmful and can bring many side effects. Sometimes, fatal. Another disadvantage is the fact that people end up worrying and panicking over an event that might or might not happen. It states in the article, “At the outset, there are emotional hurdles to cross. Prof Quake, who received counseling to prepare him for the possibility that the probe might turn up a serious disease, says: All you hear about when they talk about your genome are ways you’re going to die and get sick… If you’re a worrier, this is not for you.” The thing is, what if the probe they have predicted are not accurate and are not actually going to happen? You would have wasted your time and energy worrying. Money would be wasted seeking a counselor too.

In conclusion, I feel that we should not take this genome project too seriously until it manages to prove us something concrete. It is no harm to take this test though, but not to treat it too literally. Instead, I feel that we should constantly be watchful of our personal diet and lifestyle, and making the effort to take practical steps like attending cancer prevention talks or seminars. We should eqquip ourselves with knowledge and then learn to counter it. Taking up responsibilty and loving our own bodies is what I think we should do today. Instead of worrying over the future that is unknown and uncertain, start cherishing what you have today and do your best to preserve it.

Commented By: Rebecca Ho Tsuey Zhen (107063N)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Singapore's Worst Litterbugs.

Singapore’s clean environment is a result of continuous efforts over the last forty years putting in place measures such as stiff penalties, strict enforcement against littering, a robust cleaning regime, and public education and community engagement on littering issues.

The government has come up with many campaigns such as “Clean and Green Singapore “, “10% Energy Challenge “ and the latest campaign they have come up with is “Do The Right Thing. Let's Bin It! Through these campaigns, the government is trying to reach out and spread the awareness amongst us Singaporeans as to why keeping our motherland clean is important.

Upon reading the article, I feel that by giving fines and providing Corrective Work Order (CWO) is a good way of minimising the possibility of having litterbugs in Singapore. However, It may not totally stop the situation, but it will cured the mess cause by litterbugs and it will definitely create awareness amongst Singaporeans that by doing such an offence, offenders will not be let off easily.

Mentioned in the article by Sociologist Paulin Straughan that “changes in attitude are the only realistic way to bring about a long-term change apart from spending even more money on stepping up enforcement.’

I totally agree on her statement as Enforcement officers cannot be everywhere all the time. Singapore can be clean and litter-free only if the people are educated to be responsible owners and users of common space. If they do not treat public places as such, no amount of enforcement and penalties can bring about the desired results.

Therefore, I feel that spending $9 million each year on manpower costs is just too much. Instead, the government should use that money and organise more awareness campaigns and more talks regarding keeping our country clean and green. Apart from the government doing their share, we Singaporeans should also play our part. We should not take advantages of the cleaners thinking that they would clean the place as that is what they are paid to do so. Instead, we should be more responsible and considerate about where we throw our litters and make an effort in keeping our homeland clean.

Done By: Vandana Devi
Admin No: 105152D

Resources from:

Worst Litterbugs In Singapore

I have to agree that certain areas in Singapore are heavily littered and polluted. Though we are know as a clean and green garden city, there are still irresponsible people out there who litter everywhere. Regarding the 5 offenders , I think they deserved the 3 sentences of Corrective Work Order(CWO) and fines.
First time offenders are allowed a minor fine of $300. However, the 5 offenders have repeatedly broken the law. According to a research, most of the litter repeated offenders are young male smokers. This is because these young male smokers often smoke on the streets and anyhow displace their cigarettes onto the ground.

Another reason for Singapoe becoming a litter ground is due to the foreigners who live here and are accustomed to the way they behave and their daily habits. It is probably common for them to dispose of their litter without having anyone to stop them.

One thing I do not understand is that why can't people just make a little effort to walk to the rubbish bins and dispose their cigarettes into the bins. There are many litter bins placed everywhere around Singapore, they are placed there for people to use them. Yet, people still litter around everywhere.

In other words, litterbugs in Singapore deserve to be punished for harming the beautiful environment Singapore has. The implemented CWO and fines are just mere short-term measures of preventing people from littering. Singapore citizens needs to attain a higher level of education and self discipline on the effects of harming the environment before our city can be free from litter.

Done By: Edena Tay
Admin Number :101867P

Singapore’s Worst Litterbugs

After reading the article, I feel ashamed for relying on the government to reinforce the cleanliness of our environment, when it is supposedly every citizen’s responsibility. This situation has even escalated to one where offenders continue littering even after being slapped with fines and Corrective Work Orders (CWOs). Having taken such measures, the National Environmental Agency (NEA) still faces repeat offenders. Hence, this questions the effectiveness of launching campaigns to raise people’s awareness – will it help keep Singapore a clean and green city in the long run?

The NEA had recently launched a new anti-littering campaign with the tagline “Do The Right Thing. Let’s Bin It!”. The purpose of this campaign is to instill a sense of responsibility in individuals to keep Singapore clean and beautiful, and to encourage them to take action to bin their litter. The government has been launching campaigns after campaigns, trying their best to get citizens to play their part but it is sad to say that the outcome remains pessimistic. In addition, the situation has worsened as seen from the increasing number of offenders.

As the saying goes, “Good habits have to start from young.” Besides launching campaigns which target the general public, NEA have attempt to improve the situation by staging collaboration with schools.

“Over 150 youths from Woodgrove Secondary, Institute of Technical Education (ITE), Ngee Ann Secondary, Nan Hua High School, and Ci Yuan Youth Executive Committee comprising Northlight and Anderson Secondary School students, were trained by NEA as the first batch of Litter-Free Ambassadors to spearhead litter-free initiatives in their community and communicate to the public on the importance of keeping the environment clean and binning their waste properly. The youth Ambassadors spent the Sunday engaging the public in the Plaza Singapura vicinity to sign pledge cards and make a personal commitment to keep Singapore clean and litter-free. They will continue to engage the community in subsequent follow-up activities.” -- NEA

Involving the students personally in campaigns is a fresh approach to inculcate good values to the young as they get to practice what they preach. I believe that this approach will be more effective than merely educating them through campaigns.

Having that said, old habits are hard to die. Hence, it is better not to pick up a bad habit than having to correct it later. Despite 50 years of state-sponsored campaigns and public education, the lesson has essentially gone unlearnt where it matters most - within the family. NEA surveyed and found that a person was 2.4 times more likely to follow the bad example of family members. This shows that the family plays an important role in cultivating good habits to the younger generation. Hence, parents should be a good role model to their child.

In conclusion, I believe that keeping Singapore clean and green is the responsibility of every citizen. Our government may have taken the initiative to raise awareness of the littering issue through public campaigns but we as Singaporeans should also play our part and not be oblivious to the situation. Our attitude towards this issue is a reflection of our self discipline and family upbringing, not guided by the penalties or enforcement officers. Should everyone play their part and be litter-free, Singapore would definitely be a much better place.

Done By: Kwek Wan Ling
Admin Number: 103503L


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Singapore's Worst Litterbugs.

After reading the article, I feel that it is only justifiable and fit that the offenders receive punishments such as Corrective Work Order (CWO) and fines. Even though these punishments would not ultimately be the best solution to counter the litterbug problem, but by allowing these offenders to bear the consequences of their misconduct is definitely necessary to make sure that they are warned and it also minimizes the possibility of them repeating the same offence again.

As a citizen, I would say that Singapore on the whole is a rather clean and green nation. However I feel that the reason why Singapore is always well kept and polished is because of the government’s efforts in letting cleaning contractors, who hires foreign workers or senior citizens to take care of the nation’s cleanliness. Of course, it is also a need to hire these foreign workers to make sure that Singapore’s cleanliness is in tip-top condition, but I personally feel that somehow, it would eventually cause our very own citizens to take these foreign cleaners for granted and become complacent and lazy to take up personal responsibility to keep our homeland clean. In fact, some citizens become so ungrateful and complacent that they daringly threw urine out of windows and thus becoming an offender.

I feel that besides implementing punishments as the only practical way to tackle this litterbug problem, Singapore can also start by educating the young the importance of taking ownership of their own country by keeping the land clean. I am glad to say that Singapore is moving towards this direction when I read about this particular article “SINGAPORE OUTLINES CAMPAIGNS TO TACKLE LITTERING” found in The article says, “In NEA’s enhanced outreach strategy, it will work with schools, grassroots organisations and volunteers to roll out various initiatives where litter-free ambassadors will take a leading role to communicate anti-littering messages to all target groups and the wider community. NEA will also engage various environmental groups and community leaders to join in the efforts to promote shared responsibility in keeping Singapore clean.” Also, One of The National Environment Agency's (NEA) three-pronged approach to keeping the environment clean includes Public Education. It states in the website (, "The NEA works closely with our 3P Partners (the people, public and private sectors) to rally members of the community to take ownership of their litter and keep their surroundings clean. The key message behind our education efforts is that the public should not rely on cleaners to clean up after them. Rather, they should take personal responsibility to hold on to their litter until they find a bin to dispose of it. One of the main programmes is the “Singapore, Litter-Free” campaign." This, i feel is an excellent strategy to counter the root of the problem. As the root of the problem is people's mindset and attitude towards taking ownership.

In conclusion, I would like to say that Singapore is going towards a good plan by educating the younger generation. We should all learn to be responsible to keep Singapore a clean and comfortable place to live in.

Commented by: Rebecca Ho Tsuey Zhen (107063N)
